For Professionals
A new client sits across the desk from you. When you ask her which are her most pressing financial concerns, she says: "My son is 22 and has developmental disabilities. I need to know how to help him apply for benefits. His father pays child support and my son has started to work.
"How can we keep the child support and my son's earnings and the government benefits he just started receiving? How can I retire, make sure my son has what he needs and still leave something for my daughter?
With me on your team, here is what we can accomplish for your clients with special needs:
Prepare and walk them through the eligibility intake process for all available government benefits.
Accurately forecast the resources required for lifetime support including housing, support staff and recreation
Maximize interdependent Social Security retirement and disability benefits for the entire family
Maxmize work income, passive income and government benefits for person with special needs
Determine the most cost and tax-effective way to fund a special needs trust
Evaluate the use of an ABLE account
Refer to legal, tax, direct support and other professionals who understand special needs challenges
I ran a disability support agency for seven years and bring to the table an in-depth knowledge of how to find services, how to get and maintain Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, what these benefits pay for and what the family will need to provide privately. With me on your team, you can provide your new client the expert care your professional qualification promises.