What We Do
People with disabilities have particular concerns when it comes to financial and life planning:
What supports do I need to live as independently as possible, work up to my capacity and have a full life?
What government benefits am I eligible for and how much of my support will they pay for?
What are the rules I need to follow to keep those benefits?
If I work will I lose them?
How will I pay for what the government does not
How will the divorce, retirement or death of my parents effect my benefits and my support?
What happens to them if I live with a partner, marry, divorce or receive an inheritance
I am a Certified Financial Planner who spent seven years running a community where people with and without disabilities share daily life. I understand what it takes in dreams and dollars for a person with a disability to have a good life.
I help people with disabilities and their families set realistic goals for work, life and independence and put together the public and private resources to pay for them.
I help people with disabilities and their families set realistic goals for work, life and independence and put together the public and private resources to pay for them. Together, we obtain and maintain Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and work incentives as appropriate and fund special needs trusts and able accounts. Together, we create a secure future for the person with a disability as well as parents and siblings.