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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Dec 11, 20244 min read
Why it is a good idea for your young adult with disabilities to apply for Social Security before you do
Most financial planners advise individuals and couples to create a Social Security filing strategy that maximizes benefits payable but...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Nov 27, 20245 min read
Social Security Disability: One application fits all…and causes some confusion
I took myself and my sons to a new dentist recently. I had to fill out the usual new-patient paperwork. On the list of questions...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Nov 5, 20243 min read
With a disability, paying for Medicaid might make cents
While the variety of Medicaid eligibility categories can cause confusion, they are welcome to the extent that they allow people with...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Oct 24, 20244 min read
The ABC’s of AABD (Medicaid)
In this short series of posts, I am talking about Medicaid eligibility for people with disabilities. Most states, including my home...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Oct 18, 20244 min read
Find the Medicaid category that is best for your needs
Dental and gum health, it turns out, are important to the health of the rest of our body. So, we all need to brush our teeth. Growing...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Oct 7, 20245 min read
Take advantage of all disability related tax breaks
Taxes are one of those certainties of life. They may go up, they may go down, but they won’t go away. The best that taxpayers, with...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Sep 17, 20244 min read
How to fund college for a student with a disability
Education planning, by which we financial - plann ing professionals and our clients mean primarily planning to fund postsecondary...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Sep 8, 20243 min read
Social inclusion is crutial for students with intellectual disabilities
College was where I first experimented with (part-time) vegetarianism from which, happily, the dining halls’ weak attempt at fried tofu...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Aug 28, 20243 min read
Students with disabilities also go to college to get a job
According to a survey conducted by the website “Best Colleges,” the top five reasons that students gave for attending postsecondary...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Aug 11, 20244 min read
Navigating the paradox of Inclusive Postsecondary Academics for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
In this second in my series of blogs on I nclusive Postsecondary Education (IPSE) for students with intellectual disabilities, I am going...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Aug 5, 20244 min read
Considering College for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
I just came back from our summer family road trip to Colorado during which, due to relaxed vacation rules, our sons ate way more food...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
May 22, 20225 min read
Education programs can provide a "warm" handoff to adult employment services
Transition programs and post-secondary programs for young people with disabilities are building in an increasing amount of real-world,...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
May 6, 20225 min read
Effective future planning is a family affair.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting another prospective client family. An initial meeting is the time for the clients to tell me...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Apr 28, 20224 min read
Think it's hard to catch the Quidditch "Snitch"? Try figuring out which benefits fit you!
In my favorite science fiction TV series, Star Trek, the characters sometimes play a three-dimensional version of chess. In the Harry...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Apr 20, 20225 min read
How to overcome the challenge of obtaining Medicaid eligibility
In the Aesop fable “The Crow and the Pitcher”, a crow drops stones one by one into the neck of a tall, narrow pitcher. Before it dropped...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Apr 14, 20225 min read
If you receive SSI or SSDI, it is crucial to track and report your income!
Here in greater Chicago, and (I expect in many other densely urban settings) we frequently think of distance in terms of time. When I am...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Apr 5, 20225 min read
Why you might want to be part of a "special group of former SSI recipients".
“Former” can signify respect—“Former president”, or “Former Olympic athlete”. Or nostalgia—“Former member of the rock band Journey” or...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Mar 29, 20224 min read
The importance of being early:
The plot of the Oscar Wilde comedic play “The Importance of being Earnest” revolves around the romantic advantages that accrue to a...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Mar 23, 20226 min read
529, ABLE or both for your child with a disability?
When my sons are not playing video games, they like things with wheels. Last summer, we got them larger mountain-type bicycles. They...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Mar 16, 20224 min read
Supported decision-making is now a legal process in Illinois. Just what is it?
The word “guardian” in the popular lexicon has both positive and negative connotations. The “Guardians of the Galaxy,” in the Marvel...
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