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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Jun 6, 20183 min read
Pool Safety for Your Assets
Pool /pool/ n. 1) a small area of still water, formed naturally or artificially, sometimes used for swimming, 2) a common fund into which...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
May 30, 20183 min read
SNT Grammar: First and Third Person
Sometime in third or fourth grade, most of us learned about the order of "person" in the grammarian sense. First-person pronouns are "I",...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
May 23, 20184 min read
Better Together: ABLE and SN Trusts
For those of us old enough to remember, there is a classic Sesame Street skit in which Ernie buys some bread for himself to eat, along...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
May 15, 20183 min read
Finally, ABLE to save
From the perspective of someone like me who screens for financial posts, the Internet is full of anecdotes and data about how little how...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
May 8, 20183 min read
Which Income Passes the "Duck Test"?
Elements of government programs frequently confound the "duck test." Generally, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and swims...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
May 1, 20183 min read
Equal pay for equal work: Employer Subsidies
“Substantial Gainful Activity” or “SGA” is a significant threshold for anyone with a disability, who wants to qualify for government...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Apr 24, 20183 min read
Just Right: SSI, ISM and "fair share"
If you remember the story, Goldil ocks took a lot of time in the home of the three bears, finding the right fit for everything. One bed...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Apr 17, 20182 min read
If We IRWE: Earn More, Keep Benefits
Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE, pronounced "ur wĕ") are a work incentive category that people who receive Social Security...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Apr 10, 20182 min read
How many quarters = $1,320?
Social Security determines whether you may be eligible for certain benefits--namely, retirement or disability insurance benefits--in part...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Apr 3, 20182 min read
"D" is for "definitely different: SSI vs. SSDI
For those of us who grew up on Sesame Street (before CGI), "D" is for "definitely different" when it comes to Social Security's two cash...
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Alexandra Baig, CFP®
Mar 27, 20182 min read
How Social Security Defines "Disability"
To qualify for disability benefits as an adult--which is at any age over 18, you must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Social...
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